The Pros and Cons of Traditional Braces vs. Clear Aligners

In the world of orthodontics, the debate between choosing traditional braces or clear aligners is one that many patients face. As technology advances, the options for achieving that perfect smile become more varied, leaving many to wonder which path is right for them. At Lawless Orthodontics, we’re committed to providing not just top-tier orthodontic solutions […]

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your Orthodontic Treatment

Embarking on the journey to a perfect smile is exciting, yet it comes with its own set of decisions and considerations. With advancements in orthodontic technology, patients now have more options than ever before. But how do you decide which treatment path is right for you or your loved one? At Lawless Orthodontics, we believe […]

Which Mouthguard is Best for Braces?

School is back in session and so are sports seasons-which means smile protection is a must! We know it can be hard to find a mouthguard that fits comfortably and correctly, which is why we’re here to help! At Lawless Orthodontics, we offer complimentary mouthguards to help protect your teeth and braces while playing sports. […]

Back to School with Braces!

back to school with braces

Where did Summer go? It is back-to-school time and getting into the swing of things is exciting for kids and parents too! If you have had braces or got them over the summer, brushing at home is simple. But with a new routine, caring for your braces during the school day can be a little […]

How does 3D Printing Work?

Lawless Orthodontics is the only practice in the region utilizing 3D printing to deliver both in-house aligners and retainers. We are able to produce these aligners and retainers for our patients within a matter of minutes. The printing process has very few steps and is minimally invasive. Initially, a patient will receive a scan from […]

Fluoride and Orthodontic Treatment!

Fluoride is very important when it comes to orthodontic treatment and can be extremely beneficial during your journey with braces. Here at Lawless Orthodontics, we make sure each patient receives the best possible smile and our team recommends a fluoride treatment every six months. Our in-house fluoride treatments are completely complementary to our patients and […]

Braces Friendly Snacks!

Wearing braces requires a few changes in your diet. Dr. Lawless always says “Avoid hard, crunchy, chewy, and sticky.” These types of foods or snacks can pull or break a bracket. When this happens, you are adding extra appointments and prolonging your treatment. Here is a list of Braces Friendly Snacks: Fruit: applesauce, bananas, raspberries, […]

Age 7 is the Right Time to First See an Orthodontist!

You wouldn’t skip a well-check at the pediatrician, and you shouldn’t skip an early trip to the orthodontist either. A visit to your orthodontist by age 7 will help keep your child’s oral health in check. And it may help you avoid more costly or more invasive treatments down the road. Orthodontic problems rarely fix […]

Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth with Braces!

Getting braces is a very exciting time! However, now that you have an Orthodontic Plan, it is especially important to maintain proper oral hygiene, as well as making extra time to care for your appliances. See your Dentist every six months for a thorough check up and cleaning. Brush for two minutes three times per […]

Timeline for Taking Care of your Child’s Teeth

Many parents wonder when and how Dental care should be introduced to their child’s routine. We have created a simple and effective timeline to help! Beginning and maintaining a routine at a young age ensures great oral hygiene habits later in life.   As an infant, wet a towel with warm water and wipe any […]